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Dr S P Mathew

What does In Dependence do?

Do you know what Independence really means and how valuable it is? Ask a patient who cannot walk independently and you will realize how valuable your legs are. The same applies to almost anybody function that God has given you.

The simple things in life are often the most valuable.

How about breathing on your own, the fresh air?

If you are not on a Ventilator, just say a thank you to your creator for giving you the independence to breathe.

If you think about this, there are a million things for which you can be grateful, this Independence day and indeed for a lifetime!

We are also glad to announce that we have started providing all meals to our admitted patients at Ashok and Ashok One Hospitals, thereby helping you in a small way to be independent caretakers.

So here is wishing you once again a very happy and meaningful Independence day from all of us at Ashok One Hospital.

1 Comment

Sekhar Chakraborty
Sekhar Chakraborty
Aug 15, 2021

Excellent initiative. God bless you all.

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